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  • Writer's picturevaleriedamsma

Self Care

Updated: Sep 23, 2019

Self care is what allows us to replenish, restore or sustain energy in order to be present when caring for or connecting to others. Self care is not about being selfish or putting “me” first rather it helps us to avoid burnout or self-neglect.

Self care is one of those things that is placed last as a priority. It always makes the list but always seems to be pushed down to last place. Many times people take a special day and make it a “Self Care Day.” Those days involve doing such things as having lunch with friends, getting a manicure, sleeping in late, wearing comfy clothes, or perhaps reading a book with a nice cup of tea.

The problem is those special days are far and few between. Taking a day off work and spending money on a manicure or lunch can be quite costly and then self-care becomes a cost that may not be accessible. The return to a hectic schedule can be quite taxing and overwhelming

Self care needs to be part of our everyday routine and lifestyle. Life can be very challenging and we need to maintain a balance for all aspects of our selves.

  1. Physical: proper nutrition, getting enough sleep and exercise; regular health checks with your doctor; drink water

  2. Emotional: acknowledge your emotions, take time to feel sadness or anger, remember that joy can exist in small moments (not just the big memories); laugh

  3. Social: spend time with those you love; make connections with friends; say “Hello” or “Good morning” to a colleague; smile; place healthy boundaries around our selves and learn to say “No”

  4. Spiritual: no matter what your beliefs are—nurture through prayer, meditation, connecting with nature, using your creativity to express what is in your heart; allow for gratitude and thankfulness

  5. Cognitive/Intellectual: read a book, do a crossword—learn new information everyday and share

One of the words that need to be avoided in regards to self care is the word “should.” I should do this… I should do that… The problem is that the word “should” conveys the concept of “guilt.” Self care is about creating a healthy relationship with your self and developing self-love: guilt does not have to be part of this relationship.

Thank you to all my loved ones, friends and of course Dani & Oscar for assisting with my Self Care!


Pretty sure Dani and Oscar would like some sweaters like these.

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