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Updated: Oct 7, 2019

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing

EMDR stands for Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing. EMDR is an evidence based therapy that provides treatment for trauma, addictions, and other Mental Health diagnoses.

AIP (Adaptive Information Processing)—EMDR is based on the theory that we all have the ability to receive information and process the experience in a way that makes associations in which the information can be used constructively to develop a positive emotional response and cognitive beliefs. For example, we experience a minor car accident—we go home and dream about it/think about it/talk about it. After a period of time, the memory is no longer upsetting and we use the information that we learn from this experience to guide our future actions.

A problem arises when a traumatic event causes a disturbance/imbalance in the nervous system causing the information processing system to not function properly for the information that was collected during the event. The information that is collected is sensory information that is stored in a disturbed state. This information can be triggered and may be expressed through a nightmare, a flashback or intrusive thoughts.

EMDR supports the concept of psychological self healing. For example, if we experience a cut our body knows how to heal—but if dirt or a foreign object is in the wound the healing process need assistance. Similarly, if a traumatic event blocks the AIP the healing process will need assistance.

  • The Eye Movements/Bi-Lateral stimulation assists in creating dual attention stimuli and assists the AIP to remove the blockages.

  • Desensitization refers to reducing the emotional impact of the traumatic event. We can not erase what happened but we can assist to put the emotions in past tense—reducing the distressing emotions.

  • Reprocessing refers to addressing the negative cognitions/beliefs that can become established from traumatic events. For example, a young child that is emotionally neglected by a parent begins to believe that “I am not lovable.”

EMDR is not a traditional talk therapy approach but it is also not hypnosis. It allows the client to experience how the trauma has impacted the body and emotions which sometimes transcends language.

EMDR was developed by Francine Shapiro. She wrote the book, Getting Past your Past, which is an excellent resource. EMDRIA also has a very informative website:

Another interesting interview involves Jameela Jamil discussing her therapeutic journey with EMDR:

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